Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I Got Hacked!!

Maintaining Privacy

How safe is your information once is entered into your computer:
I after find my self wondering how safe is my information or how many people have access to all my information. Many may think that just because you computer says you information is safe that it is.
I have learn NOT to trust technology when it comes to personal information. I have gotten hacked before  its very disappointing because you don't know who is interested in you information or why they would want your information in the first place.
After all whatever you do on the internet, just remember that your information is not as private as you think, and its your decision to give it out or keep it to yourself.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Me Myself and I

Five Things that Describe Me,

Hello, my name is Gimmena Manriquez, I am the second to youngest girl in my family of 5. I love playing sports specially basketball. I graduated from Anderson Valley High school in 2012. I am the first one to attend college from my family, and I am currently living in Santa Rosa.